Our mission

We Long to Be Transformed by God's Power to Love God and Love People,

So That We Become a Christ-Centered and Spirit-Empowered Church for our Community.


Calvary was started in 1959 by a group of incredibly dedicated members. They first met at a school, setting up chairs and a nursery every Sunday morning. Most of them lived within several blocks of this new church. They held on to their sense of purpose, determination, and faith; seeking to form a new church community in this place. 

Through hard work they saw a church grow up out of a simple idea—to gather as a community so that people in the neighborhood would have a church which they could call their own. Some of these “charter” members still attend Calvary and will happily share stories of these times.

In 2012, Calvary went through a very difficult time and needed to make a decision about what it’s focus and goal would be. After considering a number of possible options, the church decided that more than anything they felt called to be a church for our community. We decided that our new vision would be that we long to be “Transformed by God’s Power to Love God and Love People.” 

Since that time, Calvary has been on mission to discover what this means in a practical down-to-earth way. God has answered the church's prayers in remarkable ways, but we also believe that the best is yet to come as we follow God’s path together.

Calvary's sense of its vision has developed through the years. We are constantly evaluating and engaging with just how to explain the ways in which we accomplish our vision.


We Long: This is our hope, our prayer, our expectation, and our desire. As is normal when someone “longs” for something there is an understanding that the person cannot quite make this happen on their own, even though they will likely need to work toward it in some way. 

We understand that only God can make this happen through what he does in answer to His own desires and our prayer. We need to work, but only God can actually make this happen. This also means that in the end, to whatever extent we experience success, God gets all the glory and credit, because on our own, all we could do was long for it.

To Become a Christ-Centered and Spirit-Empowered Church: What is a church? A church is a Spirit-Filled Gathering of People who seek the heart of their father God and who believe they are saved and led by their Lord Jesus Christ, His Son and their Savior. They also are a gathering that is called to love each other and the world around them with the love of God through the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. 

To do this they gather together weekly and grow, they use the Bible as their foundation for life, but they also look to the world around them to discover new insights about how their God put the world together. 

They understand that they are far from perfect; instead, they know they are on a journey of continual growth and improvement that is founded on God’s saving love for them while they were yet sinners. They are a place for the wounded to find healing, not just a place for the spiritually fit to find affirmation.

For Our Community: What is our community? It is really any community that anyone gathering at a church is part of. In one sense this means the community directly around our building. The building is located at a specific space and because of that we are dedicated and interested in the immediate people surrounding. The church becomes a gathering spot for this community where people can meet others and grow in who they have been called to be. 

But "community" also refers to any community that we find ourselves in, our families, the local neighborhoods where we live, our work and/or school, or the places we travel to during the year. As we examine an individual's calling we understand that this community in fact could be any group of people with which an individual is called to become involved.